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Pocket friendly food items

Never miss these food items while grocery shopping

Grocery shopping isn’t a fun activity. Hence, it should be a simple task to execute. But with so many varieties being present in the grocery stores, it becomes difficult to pick and choose the food items. Some of the food items have the best deals, while others are looking fresh. Many people end up buying items that they don’t even need. Thus, you might end up missing the food items that you had actually come to buy.

There are so many productive activities that you should be focusing on, rather than buying groceries. It takes a little practice, but try to figure out your routine and a standard grocery list of items that you want to buy. Some of the staples that you should buy from the grocery stores are:

Eggs are the most versatile food items that you can have in your kitchen. Making a meal from eggs is damn easy. You can prepare a scrambled egg for breakfast or hard-boil them for a salad or even fry them to make a curry for dinner. A lot of egg-based recipes are available on the internet. You don’t have to be a professional chef to make one of these at home.

Apple is the best food item if you want to incorporate food into your diet. As the saying goes ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’, apples are good for health as well. You can easily store them in your fridge for a week or two. Though they are a bit expensive to buy but are a good source of vitamins and minerals that your body needs.

Pasta is another food item that is easy to make. It is the perfect dinner staple as you can add veggies and chicken to make it delicious. You can buy healthier versions like brown-rice or whole-wheat pasta. These are easily available in the market and can be stored for weeks.

Coffee pods
A majority of people love their cup of morning coffee. Many others like to enjoy coffee during the day as well. Making coffee can be a hassle sometimes. Thus, you can buy coffee pods to make coffee. These pods come in different flavors and are biodegradable. By using these you make your life easy and even reduce your household’s contribution to climate change.

Boneless chicken
Chicken is readily available in any grocery store and is easy to cook as well. If you are cooking a meal for one or two people, then making a chicken dish should be fast and simple. You can freeze the chicken in your fridge and use it for a few weeks at least. There are tons of chicken recipes available online or on YouTube for you to get started.

Veggies can be used to make delicious salads. Some of the veggies that you can buy for making a good meal are broccoli, spinach, fennel, carrots, etc. You can buy these veggies based on seasonality so you get the fresh stock. Moreover, try buying the local produce to help support your community and the environment. You can find simple salad recipes on the internet.

Dark chocolate
Dark chocolate is nutritious and is a source of antioxidants. It has a lot of health benefits and is known to improve blood flow and lower blood pressure. It even reduces the risk of getting a cardiovascular disease. If you have a sweet tooth, then you should consider eating dark chocolate. Almost all grocery stores sell different varieties of dark chocolate.

Lemons add a lot of flavor to a dish. They are the staple food that everyone must have in their kitchen. Whether it be salads or green tea or non-veg curries, you can add a bit of lemon juice to enhance the taste. Drinking a glass of hot water with lemon is good for digestion. Get your stock of lemons when you go to the supermarket next.

These are some of the food items that don’t hurt your pocket and can be bought from any grocery store. Some of these items have health benefits as well. do stock these products in your kitchen so you can cook a healthy meal at any time of the day.