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Book Marketing

10 Book Marketing Ideas That Can Help Authors Increase Sales

Being a successful writer means knowing how to market and promote yourself and your books, whether you’re a traditional publisher or a self-publisher, it doesn’t matter. For authors who publish themselves, book marketing is tedious, hard work, time-consuming and even frustrating. If this is not enough, it can also be expensive. In addition to professional media, there are many techniques, ideas, even practices and insider strategies.

Self-published authors have no choice but to do hard work to improve themselves and books, and to develop marketing plans with an SEO company. However, traditional publishers are now reducing their book marketing budgets, so more and more contract authors have to use social media to promote their books. Regardless of whether you work with a traditional publisher or follow the path of self-publishing, one thing is the same: you have to market books. Online marketing is a highly developed area in which new technologies, new theories, new strategies and new tools emerge every day. The only way to stay ahead is to stay focused and be ready to find new and useful things.

1. Preparation metadata to sell additional books
Metadata is data that differentiates your e-book from other e-books and must certainly be part of your book promotion approach. You will find that when you upload a book to the publishing platform, the system prompts you to provide detailed information such as the title of the book, the author of the book, the description of the book, the type, etc. This information is the metadata of your e-book, and metadata will go a long way. Your book description should arouse enough curiosity among the readers that you are reading it so that they can take out a credit card or download your eBook at a certain point in time.

2. Market exploration
When it comes to selling books, some work needs to be done in advance before a book is written! If you do it well, all other ways of making sales will be more effective. Before you start deleting text, you should conduct market research on your topic, your target audience and your goals.

3. Start creating your brand
This is especially important if you are preparing to publish a book. Potential readers who want to read your work want to know more about you. The best way to do this (if you improve yourself) is to seriously develop a brand role. Control what people know and understand about you.

4. Build a website
As a published author, you need a website. You can build a brand role on your website. It is always the place where you invite people to meet you. Ultimately, your website is your online home. Downloadable media kit (including your photos, a short resume, an introduction to your book, and some comments). Your website doesn’t have to be long or complicated to get the job done. At the moment it can be a one-page information sheet with all information that concerns you (author).

5. Make an email list
An additional component that you can add to your author’s website is the newsletter registration form. People are very unlikely to continue to check your website for new updates. However, if they’re on your list, you can send an email to update them. This way you can keep in touch with people who are interested in you.

After registering for SEO reseller services, you can access an email registration box that you can add directly to your website without coding. Some authors add so-called lead magnets to encourage users to sign up for their email lists. Lead magnets are free gifts, as are chapters in the book. You can provide this address in exchange for an email address and its continued permission to receive marketing emails. Creating and managing email lists is one of the best ways to ensure current and future book sales. You can build a real relationship with your email subscribers and turn them into paying customers. Since email marketing is a long-term strategy, you should set it up right away.

Remember to send email updates once a month to keep an eye on customers. You can exchange news about upcoming bookmarks or promotions. Try to be consistent in sending monthly newsletters as this is the way to build a loyal audience.

6. Contact the auditor
You need to get as many book reviews as possible, especially for Amazon, which is very important. The more comments you get, the higher the book’s popularity. Look for book reviewers and bloggers who read works from your genre. Ask them, ask them, and persuade them (in the best, not annoying way) to read your book and leave a comment. When you sell your first book, you need to check your self-esteem at the door and be a little shameless.

7. Choose the right book cover
There is a lot of content on the cover of the book. You need to choose a cover for the book that stands out from the crowd. Although you can design your own cover technically, leave it to the ghostwriting services. Nowadays, you can get beautiful book designs for just a few hundred dollars or less. While this may sound like a lot of money, it can be considered an investment. The correct book cover can prevent potential readers from scrolling in the middle of the page or sliding in the middle of the aisle.

8. Make your book free on Amazon
There are a variety of strategies that can attract Amazon’s attention as the lead author.
Perhaps the best strategy is to give away your book for free. Before you burn me, please note that I don’t mean forever. Free postings can help you grab attention and create the most important comments on Amazon.

It is important that your book contains a large number of comments (at least 20, but a lot more). Many potential readers don’t even read a book that has not yet been reviewed (with an approval stamp verified by Amazon). Also make sure you choose the right category for your books on Amazon. Some buyers stick to the types they’re interested in and tend to narrow their book search activities by category. If you choose the right category for your book, your target readers will have a better chance of finding it.

9. Use ads on Amazon to increase your sales
Not only can you sell your book on Amazon, you can also advertise on Amazon. If you choose to buy ads, please select the sponsored product ads option. This pay-per-click ad allows you to use keywords related to your books to target Amazon users. Setting up an Amazon advertising campaign means that you are actually paying for the sale of books, but it’s good. You will enjoy better visibility of the books. You only have to pay when an interested buyer clicks on your ad to control the maximum daily amount you want to spend.

10. Use Facebook Marketing to raise awareness
First of all, you need a Facebook business page. Your personal information will not be reduced, especially if you intend to sell your book. To do this, you need a business account. But rest assured, creating a business account is free. You have to spend money to promote yourself and your book. However, you will be happy to know that Facebook can manage all budgets.

Follow these best practices when marketing on Facebook:
• Choose a custom audience for readers interested in your genre.
• Create ads that are specific to these readers and their interests.
• Link your ad to an excerpt page on your website (which includes a link to the Amazon sales page of your book).
• Control costs by running ads on Facebook only at the most popular date/time (the Facebook Ad Manager provides this information).
• Don’t waste time looking for pages you like. Use ads to send clicks to your website.