Tag Archives: future wedding


How to Stop Falling In Love with Everyone?

You just met, and you are already dreaming about your future wedding. And if your love story ends too quickly, it still hurts you because you managed to fall in love. Is it about you? But is it possible not to become attached to a person, avoiding another drama?

1. Don’t try to attract everyone
If you enjoy the process of attracting people, you are likely trying to increase your self-esteem and once again prove to envious people that nothing is impossible for you. According to Russian women, the reason for this behavior may lie in the fact that someone broke your heart once, thereby provoking a desire to “take revenge” on the opposite sex in this way (and the more them on your revenge list, the better). You, in fact, don’t care who your chosen one is. Try to imagine (or even better – write on a piece of paper) the qualities of an ideal life partner and concentrate on finding exactly this person.

2. Be realistic
A surefire way to escape attachment is to not give in to fantasies. Make sure that you look at people adequately and are able to distinguish your dream from reality.

3. Stop idealizing everyone
Why are you so amorous? Probably you idealize people. As soon as you get to know a nice and friendly person, you immediately think that this one is certainly the best. However, this will not work – you will only be disappointed in a person each time, getting to know each other better. But you are already in love, which means such love will bring you suffering and nothing more. This is the wrong approach.

4. Remember the negative qualities
Each person has negative qualities or traits. Therefore, if it seems to you that you are falling in love with someone, remember their negative sides. Then it will be easier for you not to think about love.

5. Don’t rush things
Don’t try to fall in love with someone as soon as possible and marry in a month. You will find your soulmate one day, just don’t rush things. First, talk with a person, try to get to know each other better, take an interest, for example, what they are fond of. If you don’t have or have practically no common interests, most likely, your relationship will not develop as you would like.

6. Don’t be too frank
There should be less frankness from you that can touch some very tender strings inside you. When you share something sacred, you become attached to people. You don’t bind them to yourself, but you bind yourself to them. But you still don’t know them enough. Talk about yourself abstractly, so you will avoid falling in love too fast and stir up their interest in yourself. But don’t get away from direct questions either. Better explain: “I wouldn’t want to talk about this today”.

7. Love yourself
In order not to fall in love too quickly with people, fall in love with yourself and your independent life. Learn how to be happy when there is no one nearby. A too strong desire to be in a relationship leads to the fact that you draw a wedding procession in your head and cling to this picture already on the first date.

8. Forget about flirting
Flirting can awaken your feelings for a person. Sometimes occasional gentle touches and glances can give a false signal about your feelings. Communicate with general phrases, no more.

9. Don’t ignore the red flags
Try not to justify their shortcomings, but boldly examine them and decide if you can put up with them or not. Many signs may tell that you shouldn’t fall in love with this person, and you can notice them already on the first date. The very fact that you see flaws in a person suggests that you are still able to think soberly