Tag Archives: healthy eating

Bone broth

5 Tips That Can Help In Increasing Your Bone Density

Chronic bone disorders are something that can’t be treated permanently. As of now, there is no certain treatment that can completely treat any chronic bone disorder. Low bone density is another problem that many people face and the main reason behind it is the lack of nutrition that we consume.

Bones need proper nutrients in order to stay healthy. You can’t have healthy bones if you don’t have a good diet. This has been a major issue and many people are looking for some tips that can prevent such thing from happening. Consuming foods that are rich in calcium, protein, and collagen can help in preventing such things from happening. Following keto diet and eating keto friendly foods will also help in improving your bone health.

Studies have shown that people who consume too much soda sooner or later have to face problems that are related to low bone density. People with low bone density are more likely to get fractured bones as well. The bones become brittle and can be easily broken if their density is low. The following is a list of things that you should and shouldn’t do in order to increase your bone density.

1. Consume More Fish
Fish like sardines have bones that are brittle and can be consumed easily. You can also crush them and use the powdered form in any one of your dishes. They are the pure source of calcium that helps in increasing your bone density. Although you should keep in mind that such foods are helpful only if you are willing to improve your health. If you consume them for one day and start eating junk food the other day then it won’t have any benefit.

2. Lift Daily
When you lift weight daily, you do not only increase your muscle mass but also your bone weight. As your muscles grow stronger, similarly it has an effect on your bones as well. People with weak bones can also increase their bone weight by consuming foods that are rich in calcium and protein. Combine that with a set of strength increasing exercise and you will increase your bone strength and density.

3. Avoid These Things
This is something that you should keep in mind. Avoiding these foods is very important as they can cause serious damage to your bones. Foods that contain processed meat and added sugar are more like bone killers. They destroy your bones slowly and when you reach a certain age, you will start having issues that are related to your bones. Such issues then turn chronic with time. So try to avoid consuming soda, cigarettes, alcohol, processed meat, and fried foods. These foods are a big NO for your bone density.

4. Have More Nuts
Nuts are rich in fats that help in increasing your bone mass and strength. These nuts are also rich in other nutrients that help in increasing your bone density. Nuts like almonds and cashew are a good source of magnesium that helps in making the bones strong by improving their structure. Apart from that the calcium in nuts also helps in increasing bone density.

5. Have These Nutrients
Nutrients like calcium, vitamin C, protein, collagen, vitamin E, and magnesium are very important for your bones. If you want to prevent any chronic bone disorder then you should consume foods that are rich in these nutrients. I have mentioned some of them but there are tons of other foods that are rich in such nutrients. So try to consume these nutrients and improve your bone health.

These are some of the tips that you should follow in order to improve your bone density. Diet is an important part of your bone health. If you are not consuming foods that are good for your health then sooner or later you will have to face an issue that is related to your bones. There are some foods that I haven’t mentioned above. Foods like beef bone broth, salmon, kale, and cottage cheese are also important for your bone health. There are several daily cases of chronic bone issues in America and people keep on avoiding foods that are good for their health and bones. So you should start following these tips and improve your bone health to increase its density.