Tag Archives: IELTS UAE


IELTS UAE, Empowering Teachers to Reach their Potential

The United Arab Emirates is known for the 2nd largest economy in the Arab world. Over the years we can see the increased tourism resulting in most luxurious hotels and a massive boom in the construction and a thriving service sector. The most prestigious and well-renowned universities open campuses in UAE since they see it as a successful investment and growth opportunity. Several people have started to migrate to the UAE after looking at the work opportunities to secure their future. Providing a proof of you being able to speak the required language is vital in order to get your work visa for abroad. In a multicultural place like the UAE, it is important to have good English language skills so you can easily communicate with everyone.

According to British Council Starting from 01 December 2019, the test fees for paper-based IELTS will be AED 1,120 and computer-delivered IELTS will be AED 1,260 in the UAE. Paper based IELTS is AED 1092 (inclusive of VAT). Computer delivered IELTS is AED 1155 (inclusive of VAT).

The English language is not a tool you can survive without today. From university admissions to visa/immigration processes, to job applications, there is always an English requirement. Even non-English speaking countries are using English as the common language of communication.

The amount of people migrating and studying abroad has doubled in the past 20 years. The population in UAE is around 9.2 million from which three-fourth of the residents are expatriates. With increased growth in the education sector in the UAE, the teachers must polish their English language skills. IELTS teacher training in UAE is mandatory since the schools and universities are hiring professionals from all around the world, including the non-natives. International English Language Testing System is a test to check your ability for English language for non-natives.

IELTS Teacher Training should be Compulsory because:

  • Certification Worldwide

After finishing your IELTS exam you get to receive a certificate and a report which will be recognized globally by many universities and companies. Once going through this hassle will lead to a lifetime of worldwide certification.

  • Improvement in Language Skills

Your friends might tell you how good you are at speaking English however after giving your IELTS exam you will be tested in all 4 skills including listening, reading, writing and speaking. This will improve and polish your skills. It also includes a live chat with the interviewee which prepares you for the real-life situation. It is beneficial for teachers to train them for talking to international colleagues at school.

  • Better Knowledge of the Language

After appearing in IELTS you’d know where you lack in all 4 of the skills and can work on it to improve them before beginning your career as an instructor. The results will no-doubt show your English level skills.

  • Clear Goal to Work towards

Now you will have a clear goal and a mindset to work towards, when you’ll know that you need to get a certain IELTS score to fulfill your work ambition you will inspire to work harder. With IELTS dates being regularly available during the years you can take your exams easily in 900 different places around the world.

These are all the reasons why it is necessary to conduct IELTS teachers’ training in the UAE, to match up with the increased teachers demand. The Teachers will be able to develop English language skills which will further open career opportunities in UAE. The organizations are very impressed with non-native people speaking fluent and good English.

Perusing your career abroad is the best way to achieve your goals. Since too many new universities and schools are being opened in UAE it is important to introduce IELTS teacher training to make sure all the teachers are proficient in the English language in both the public and private sectors.

UAE also gives the opportunity to send abroad be it students or teachers. Teachers might be sent abroad for their training so once they have cleared their IELTS they won’t face any problem. Thankfully, IELTS cover both British and American English so no matter in what environment the teachers go to the English they learnt from IELTS will always be relevant. IELTS also plays a vital part in gaining citizenship of a country. Not only will it secure a teachers job but also will secure the teachers future and accommodation in any part of the world since English is a universal language.

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