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Web designing

E-commerce web design explained

When we talk about the ecommerce websites, we are talking about something different than the normal websites. The reason is that the goal behind the ecommerce website is different than the others as it targets the consumers not only for visiting and appreciating the website but to make business through it. The ecommerce website has to be so much visually appealing that people just want to buy from them.

When it comes to an ecommerce website, the website must be able to grab the potential customers and lead them in such a way that they become the actual buyers for the company so that they can give real benefit. An ecommerce website is a website where the customers can easily navigate the items, search and find the products they are looking for, add the desired items quickly to their carts and can get all the important information before they are asked to checkout from the page they are upon. This will increase the chances of more sales from the websites and will ensure that the customer will be returning the next time to shop online on this website.

This is the reason that having an appealing and engaging website design is something that you need to spend more attention to. Else, the customers will come to the website, no matter how thick your traffic is, they will leave without making any purchase if the process if complicated or if the things are not clear.

Here we have gathered the tips that are going to help you manage your ecommerce website, make it more appealing to the customers and to get the best out of it in shortest possible time.

1. Keep you online store nice and tidy
Yes, not just because it is an online store, so you can put anything in there as random as you want, rather you need to keep things nicely and fully organized. The more proper your website will look, the better it would be for the people to shop. Put the products in separate categories so that the customers know what you are offering.
Place the prices and labels very clearly on each item. Make use of the grid layout for displaying the products as it keeps the things appear more visible and gives room to other things to breathe. Also do not stuff the front page of the site with a lot of things, rather keep it simple. Do not put too many images in a single row, instead choose larger and clearer images that would appear only two or three in a row.

2. Make navigation easier for the customers
The easier it would be to navigate around the different pages of the website, the better it would be for you to get more customers. For this you need to place a very clear and directive menu on top of the page. Remember nit to clutter the menu with too many items, rather make use of the drop down menus from the top menu to link more things in one place. This way you can add links to the several other categories without overly populating the page. If navigation on your website is complicated for the customers, they will not return back here anymore. There are several themes available on the internet that require less work for you to do before starting off.

3. Be easily accessible
When a visitor is looking at your website, he or she might find something that they cannot understand well and at that moment they want someone to tell them what they need to know. This is when your contact number helps them. Make sure that the tab for the contact us is somewhere very visible and that you respond to the query real quick.
This things play a very positive role in getting the potential buyers. There are companies that are using the top of the website to display their working hours and contact number so whenever anyone on the website is in need, they can see easily if they can get the answer right away or not.

4. Add customer reviews
The different surveys have shown that the websites that make use of the customer reviews for their products get more potential buyers and have higher conversion rates. This happens because at the time of buying anything, you get uncertain whether you are spending the money on the right thing or not, would it work for you or not? At that time, reading the review of a person who has used the product in real can soothe you and can satisfy you to make your purchase. This is the strategy you must be using as well to get more buyers . The reviews can significantly increase the conversion rate for your website.

5. Add a search bar
When the customers visit your websites, some of them have something in their mind that they are looking for. If they do no immediately find what product they are after, they like to look for a search bar instead of going through all the links in the menu bar to find the desired item. Adding a search bar to your website can eliminate this trouble for them, else they will move on to some other website. Make sure that your website offers the search bar and make searches very easy to make.

6. Add high quality descriptive images
Now with the online store, the customers do not get to see the items the way they can on the physical store. They can neither touch the object, not scan it from different angles nor even try it out. If you provide the good quality images for the products that cover all the angles and then provide a description of the product as well that will elaborate more of the products and can give a nice idea of your website as well, then your chances to get good leads is more pronounced. The more you will make the things easier for the customers, the easier it will be for them to access.