Tag Archives: whom shall i fear lyrics

Lyrics for Whom Shall I Fear

Lyrics for Whom Shall I Fear by Chris Tomlin

Dear audience, I am going to discuss about a beautiful music called “Lyrics for Whom Shall I Fear by Chris Tomlin”. Hope you will like my discussion about “Lyrics for Whom Shall I Fear“. Feel free if you have any question or opinion into comment section.

The song Lyrics for Whom Shall I Fear is a beautiful example of the power of music in our lives. It moves us to worship, to contemplate and to praise God for His faithfulness. The lyrics are a reminder that no matter what happens, God is with us. The song talks about the power of God and what it means to rely on Him more than anything else. It is important for Christians to remember that everything we need, including protection from those who are against us, is provided by God.

Fear, anxiety and depression has held us back like we are in chains. Everywhere you turn, it is fear. Fear of the economy collapsing. Fear about relationships. Cancer and sickness holds people back. People fear divorce. The world is getting crazier.”

Fear is something that does not differentiate among different people, it affects all. We need to have this perspective of who is behind us and propelling us forward. Though fear may come in the form of anger, through Him we should not fear anything because He is always present.

I agreed with what he said because I think it is true. Our eyes are usually closed and focused on the material world where we can only see what’s in front of us. It would be easier if we could open our eyes and see that there are more people who help us than people who actually mean us harm. I want to wrote about a song called lyrics for whom shall i fear,cause it is the most amazing song in the world.

About lyrics for whom shall i fear

When it comes to finding lyrics for songs, many people turn to the internet. However, not all of the lyrics that you find online are accurate. This is especially true for popular songs such as Whom Shall I Fear by Chris Tomlin. If you’re looking for the correct lyrics to this song, you’ve come to the right place. Below, you’ll find the complete and accurate lyrics for “Whom Shall I Fear” by Chris Tomlin.

whom shall i fear lyrics

Now it’s time to read fully the lyrics. Let’s read the following:

When I am afraid, I will trust in You.

I will not be afraid, I will not be afraid.

You are my light and my salvation;

Whom shall I fear?

You are the strength of my life;

Of whom shall I be afraid?


Whom Shall I Fear God Of Angel Armies

Chris Tomlin’s song “Whom Shall I Fear” is based on Psalm 27, which is a psalm of David. In this psalm, David talks about how even though there are many things in life that can cause us to fear, we need to remember that God is always with us and will protect us. This is such a powerful message, especially in today’s world where there seems to be so much to be afraid of. We all need to remember that we can trust God to take care of us and help us through whatever we may face.

When I am afraid, I will trust in You.

I will not be afraid.

I will not be afraid.

You are my strength and my shield.

You are my hope and my salvation.

You are my light and my life.

Whom shall I fear? God of Angel Armies!

Is There Anybody Who Can Stand In Your Way

When You’re The God Of Angel Armies

And All You Have To Do Is Say The Word

And I Will Watch The Nations Fall

I Will Stand Against The Raging Sea

I Will Not Be shaken By The Storms Of Life

For I Know Who Holds Tomorrow

And I Know Whom I Can Fear

When I hear the enemy roaring and see darkness closing in,

my heart knows only one refuge: You, God of angel armies.

When evil seems to be winning and hope is hard to find,

I remember that You are the Lord who conquered death and sin.

You are my strength, my shield, my hope in every battle.

So whom shall I fear? Whom shall I fear?

I know that You are with me, so I will not be afraid.

I will trust You, God of angel armies.

Watch and Hear the following YouTube Video about Lyrics for Whom Shall I Fear by Chris Tomlin

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