Category Archives: Lifestyle

A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart.

Here’s Everything You Want to Know About Sunscreen

Be honest with yourself. 

How much do you really know about sunscreen? 

As important as it is for protecting your skin, perhaps it’s time to learn a bit more on the subject. Today we’ll share everything you’ve always wanted to know about sunscreen.

So pull up a chair in a shady spot and grab yourself a cold beverage. This is some quality stuff that will make sure you know the ins and outs of keeping your skin safe under the sun.

Standard Sunscreen Terms and Their Meaning

According to a study carried out by JAMA Dermatology, fewer than half of consumers that buy and use sunscreen actually know what they’re reading on the bottle.

Let’s break that down a little bit.

  • 43% of participants understood the definition of SPF protection.
  • 37.7% could define the term that indicates how well it protects against skin cancer
  • 22.8% could identify the word that shows how well it protects against sunburn

That said, we’re going to make sure you know what you’re looking at so you can better arm yourself against the sun. 


Sun Protection Factor

The SPF of your sunscreen indicates how long it will protect your skin against UVB rays. It’s specific to keeping your skin safe from sunburn.

For example: Applying a sunscreen labeled SPF 15 means it will take the sun 15 times longer to burn your skin than average.


UVA rays are the most common kind of sun rays. There are around 500 times more UVA rays than UVB rays.

These sun rays are particularly nasty. UVA rays can penetrate through clouds and windows and deep into the dermis of your skin.

UVA rays contribute to premature aging of the skin as well as skin cancer.


UVB rays are the real buzz kill. These little suckers are responsible for sunburn, and they’re also the most significant cause of skin cancer.

They are strongest between the hours of 10 am and 4 pm, during which hours it’s best to stay as covered as possible and in the shade.

It’s especially important to wear sunscreen.

Broad Spectrum

This is the holy grail of sunscreen terms.

You want a bottle of sunscreen that says broad spectrum on it somewhere. That means it protects you from both UVB and UVA rays.

If your sunscreen isn’t broad-spectrum, you’re not even really protecting yourself.

When and How to Wear Sunscreen

It’s not enough to know about what sunscreen can do for you. If you’re not wearing it properly, you run the risk of damaging your skin regardless.

Here’s a rundown on best practices for applying your sunscreen.

How Often Should I Wear Sunscreen?

No matter how often you’re inside, you never really get away from sun exposure. That’s why it’s a good idea to wear sunscreen in some form every single day.

If you’re not going to be outside for a long time, SPF 15 should be plenty.

These days, it’s easy to find makeup, moisturizer, and lip balm that contain some level of SPF protection. 

Even sitting inside, you could be soaking up harmful UVA rays as they penetrate clouds and windows without any trouble. So it’s best to be on guard at all times for the most protection.

How Much Sunscreen Should I Put On?

There’s a possibility you’re not applying as much sunscreen as you need to protect yourself.

Every time you put it on, you should be using an ounce of sunscreen.

That’s the equivalent of a shot of sunscreen. (So break out your shot glasses and measure away).

A good majority of that — about a nickel-sized dollop — needs to go on your face. 

How Do I Apply Sunscreen Properly?

Make sure you’re getting it everywhere!

Pay extra attention to those spots that people tend to miss the most. Rub it into your feet and hands. Don’t forget your ears and neck — sunburnt ears hurt!

If you’re able, apply your sunscreen before you go outside. It takes 15 minutes for sunscreen to absorb into your skin and start working well.

How Often Should I Reapply Sunscreen?

You should reapply your sunscreen every two hours at the most. If you’re doing a lot of sweating or swimming, you may need to apply it more often.

This is true for water-resistant sunscreens as well. They only last for 40 to 80 minutes when exposed to water.

One dose of any sunscreen isn’t going to last you a full day at the beach.

Choosing the Right Sunscreen for Your Skin

As individuals, we all have different needs and concerns about our skin.

You must choose the right sunscreen for you, so you’re getting the most out of it. This may take some trial and error, but here’s some info to get you started.

Physical vs. Chemical Sunscreen

Manufacturers divide sunscreen into two categories. The categories depend on how they protect your skin from the sun and what ingredients are in them.

Physical sunscreen, also called mineral sunscreen, sits on top of your skin. When the rays of the sun come into contact with it, they bounce off and leave your skin be.

Chemical sunscreen soaks into your skin. As the rays get to your skin, they are essentially turned off by the sunscreen, so they can’t damage your skin in any way.

You should take into account the pros and cons of each type of sunscreen before making your choice. 

For instance, people with sensitive skin will want a physical sunscreen to avoid irritation. While those that are highly active and sweat a lot may be better off using a chemical sunscreen.

What SPF is Best Anyway?

As a general rule, SPF 30 is the way to go.

But what about those super powerful SPFs? Undoubtedly they provide the most protection.

That’s a common misconception about sunscreen. Sunscreens with an SPF 75 or 100 don’t actually offer that much more protection. They may even be upping the SPF enough that it lowers the UVA protection, giving you less coverage.

  • SPF 15 protects you against 93% of the sun’s rays.
  • SPF 30 protects you against 97% of the sun’s rays.
  • SPF 50 protects you against 98% of the sun’s rays.

While SPF 50 doesn’t go above and beyond what SPF 30 provides, there is a pretty significant difference in SPF 15 and 30.

On the one hand, you’re letting 7% of the sun’s rays into your skin. On the other, you’re only letting 3% in. That’s almost half the amount of sun getting to your skin.

Extra Tidbits About Sunscreen

There are just a few more things you’ll probably want to know about sunscreen before you head out.

Try to Avoid Spray-On Sunscreen

It may be easier to apply, but it’s not your best bet for full coverage.

Spray-on sunscreen will leave a thinner layer of protection on your skin, and you may even miss spots without knowing it. Getting a thick, even coat is easier when you rub it in with your hands.

Sunscreen Can Expire

Don’t grab that half used sunscreen from last summer and start slathering it on your skin. It’s probably not any good anymore.

Unopened, sunscreen has a shelf life of about two years. Once you open it, you need to use it or throw it away.

Never use sunscreen that is an odd consistency or has a funky smell. That’s definitely expired.

Nothing crazy will happen if you use expired sunscreen, it just won’t protect your skin from the sun, which is the entire point of wearing it.

There’s an Age Limit on Sunscreen

Well…. a tiny one.

Babies shouldn’t wear sunscreen until they are at least six months old. Use other kinds of protection to keep your baby safe from the sun.

For Best Results: Use Other Forms of Protection

Help your sunscreen out a little by wearing clothes that protect against sun exposure as well — hats with brims, sunglasses, and anything with UPF.

UPF stands for UV Protection Factor. Clothes with UPF are lightweight but add an extra layer of protection with tight weaves or special coatings.

The higher the level of UPF a garment has — the stronger the protection.

In Summary

Your skin protects you from so much, and it deserves a little protection in return. The sun is the biggest threat your skin faces on an everyday basis. 

Even if you can’t feel it happening, the sun likes to cause damage.

We hope you put everything you’ve learned here today to good use. Your skin will certainly thank you for it!

Author Bio:

Karen Lein is the General Manager of Copper Beech Townhomes and Grove San Marcos. She is a Fresno State alumna and enjoys traveling and watching football. #GoDogs


Top 10 Wellness Tips to Work from Home During Coronavirus Outbreak

Working from home is a regular term for many, but some people are unfamiliar with this routine, so it may take some time for them to get used to it. During the coronavirus outbreak, many people are forced to work from home, as the virus will spread more quickly in a gathering. Several precaution measures are necessary during this time like washing hands frequently, avoiding close contacts and staying healthy and hygienic.

Some of the absolute indispensable tips are as follows:

Proper sleep schedule:
While searching for peace in these home quarantine days and figuring out the wellness tips to work from home, the very first tip is to have a proper sleep. We all know that, throughout the year, due to excessive work pressure, often people don’t get enough sleep. Sleeping must be the first priority in situations like these. Sleep will keep you mentally cool, and your life will get stress-free. Behind sleeping at night, one may even fix a nap schedule in the afternoon.

Meditation and Yoga:
Regular meditation or yoga is not only a part of the wellness tips to work from home, but it is useful during the normal days of the year. It will not only give your day a boost but also will help you keep motivated during your working hours in the home. Yoga will keep your body energized and will definitely keep your mind ready for the workday.

Healthy foods:
Staying healthy is very much important and necessary. As the virus is known to destroy your immunity, you need to keep in mind that you always need to have healthy foods that will boost up your immunity and will keep you safe during this time. Try eating green vegetables, fish and foods that give you enough vitamins, minerals and proteins.

Hygiene and health:
Keep a watch on your working hours and check for how much time you are working every day. Don’t overwork as it may increase stress. Don’t let your professional life to enter your personal life. Just like in the office, avoid working during the weekends. Wear only well-washed clothes and take a bath properly. If you are on medicines, take them on time. Don’t let your immunity loosen up.

Stock-up foods:
Stock-up your kitchen while working from home. During this period, a crisis can occur anytime, so keep things in stock because you can’t go outside frequently to buy foods for yourself. Keep the kitchen packed with healthy and fresh fruits and vegetables. Keep the junk food out of your reach. Don’t forget to prepare the fruits and vegetables without washing.

Live more, do less:
Among all the pandemics that earlier outbroke, the coronavirus outbreak is considered to be one of the most dangerous viruses of all time. We can understand that all of us are going through tough times, so staying stress- free is important. During the home- quarantine days, do something stress- free like you may take a walk in your garden, play indoor games and read a novel, or anything you like.

Set-up a professional environment:
You need to find that space in the house that you will solely use for work during the entire period of coronavirus outbreak. You must not use a bed, sofa or couch while working. Set up an area with a proper desk and comfortable chair, and don’t use it for personal uses during this time. It is easy to be in the seat, especially if it is comfortable, but you must break every hour and enjoy the fresh air.

Proper schedule:
Make a proper schedule of the day and stick to it, as it is beneficial for mental health. Make a different schedule for the work time. You may also include exercises in your schedule, but make sure you are done with your workout before starting your professional work. In case you have any meetings with your colleagues, you should arrange for online video chats. While exchanging a few words with your friend, you will also get your work done.

Maintaining a quality social life:
Keeping own-self in isolation is really tough, but it doesn’t mean you are not going to be active on social media. Keep your social connection stable; staying in touch with family and friends is really important. You may also enjoy coffee and lunch breaks staying on video calls. You can have chit- chat while you are sitting idle. It will help your mental health and keep you focused.

Be comfortable:
As working from home is challenging, be comfortable as much as you can. You can create your environment for soothing as per your needs, to keep your stress level under control. You may place well-decorated paintings in your working space, keep your room fresh by using room fresheners and so on. The good thing is that during this time, you will have no co-workers watching you. So, make yourself comfortable.

We can conclude that following the above tips, you will not only stay productive and healthy but also you will stay happy and focused. Try to stay a hydrated and balanced life. Keep yourself fit and try to motivate others so that they do not have a mental break down during this time. Keep the basics done like washing hands frequently, avoid rubbing your eyes with your hands and in case of inconvenience don’t forget to get a medical checkup.

What Could Be the Side Effects of Using CBD?

Cannabidiol, better known as the CBD, should be useful in a wide variety of ailments. CBD-oil is often used for relaxation, relief of sleep, appetite curbing, as a painkiller, and much more.

CBD-products is used in the rule as dietary supplements or as support for medical problems. Many users have a complaint that can use of CBD products have adverse effects.

Does CBD oil have side effects?
CBD has minimal side effects compared to many other medicinal drugs and normally it is regarded as a safe substance. But one should know when to use CBD oil and what should be the proper doses. If you are planning to start CBD oil for any reason then we have mentioned here some possible side effects.

Note: The Right Dose Is What Makes the Difference

For the first time, one should start with a lower dose of CBD. If you do not find the possible positive effects then you can increase the dosage after 15-20 days.

The dose can be varied individually because no two bodies are equal. The best results you can expect when youhave patience and know how your body reacts to the dosage.

Known Possible Side Effects of CBD
The following side effects could potentially occur:
• Influence on enzymes in pregnancy
• Influence on the effect of medicines
• Dry feeling in the mouth
• Low blood pressure
• Dizziness
• Restrained appetite

Influence on enzymes in pregnancy
CBD can be negative on enzymes that are needed for the full function of the placenta during pregnancy. In cell experiments, it was found that CBD could influence two important proteins. Since these proteins play a role in the proper function of the placenta, the ingestion of CBD during pregnancy is not recommended, not even in low doses.

Influence on the effect of medicines
CBD can interact with a number of medicinal products, since it can inhibit the activity of some enzymes of the liver, such as cytochrome P 450, inhibit. When taking a very high dose of the CBD, it can temporarily affect the activity of P450 enzymes. It could change the way drugs are metabolized in the body. So, you have to keep in mind that the effect of drugs could increase or reduce due to the use of CBD.

Dry feeling in the mouth
Another reported side effect of CBD is a dry feeling in the mouth. This effect seems to be due to the involvement of the endocannabinoid system in the inhibition of salivary secretion to be created. The activation of certain receptors alters the production of saliva, which can lead to a dry mouth. This effect is very lower effective compare to other cannabis products like critical mass strain but this can be solved easily. You only need to regularly drink enough water.

In higher doses, CBD is said to cause drowsiness. However, this side effect of CBD has hardly been proven and is still controversial. If you become unusually tired after taking it, you should not operate machines or drive vehicles.

Users who become sleepy after taking CBD only take the oil in the evening. So, they even take advantage of this effect to sleep better.

Low Blood Pressure
Higher doses of CBD could cause a small drop in blood pressure, usually within a few minutes after taking the CBD. This drop in blood pressure often goes hand in hand with a feeling of dizziness. If you are taking blood pressure medication, you should consult your physician before you start consuming CBD. However, this side effect can often be solved by drinking a cup of coffee or tea.

Dizziness can go hand in hand with the already mentioned lowering of blood pressure. This side effect is, however, only temporarily, and can be resolved with the help of a cup of coffee or tea in most cases, along with lower blood pressure.

Restrained Appetite
This effect can be regarded as desirable or undesirable side effects. CBD is often used for the treatment of obesity. To this end, the effect on the appetite quite desirable.

Increased intraocular pressure
A study published in the Journal of glaucoma demonstrated that taking CBD (as opposed to THC) could lead to an increase in intraocular pressure. Glaucoma patients are therefore advised to consult their doctor before taking CBD.

Increased tremor in People Suffering from Parkinson’s disease (high dose CBD)
Some Parkinson’s patients report increased tremors after taking CBD, while others experience no worsening. Here it is recommended to consult the doctor before taking CBD.

So, these are possible side effects of CBD oil but you should keep in mind that not all users face these side effects. It depends on the body of the consumer. You should also note that CBD does not cause psychoactive effects and it is not an addictive substance. IT not harmful at all and suitable for human use.

The feeling of something stuck in the throat

Our feeling of something stuck in throat is a general matter in our life. We feel uncomfortable when we find it difficult to swallow even a small bite of food. Drinking water isn’t comfortable either. That moment we think visiting a doctor would make sense. But most of the time even doctors don’t find any specific reason for that sensation. This feeling is caused by inflammation in the throat or maybe at the back of the mouth that is medically termed as globus pharyngeus. It makes the throat blocked. People complain of a lump in their throat that is scratchy and tense as if something is stuck in their throat. The sensation is painless but it can be stressful. 

Globus pharyngeus VS Throat Issues

A basic difference between globus pharyngeus and other throat issues is that there is not any sort of lump in the throat when a person experiences the globus sensation. Because of the dryness in the throat muscles and mucous membranes this feeling occurs. Once this problem occurs with the throat swallowing becomes uncomfortable it is advised to have naturally soft food. Porridge, banana, bread softened in milk are some options. Having small bites helps to swallow better.

Make your meals frequent and in small bites.  Globus pharyngeus can be treated with physiotherapy on the muscles around the neck, nasal sprays help the congestion. Drinking warm water helps a lot. Most of the Blog News advises stress management. Sometimes stress causes this feeling of something stuck in the throat. Sometimes this problem is attributed to sinusitis as well. The symptoms are quite difficult to understand. Gastritis may also give rise to such problems that are why doctors prescribe anti-reflux medicines. 

Some home remedies need to reduce feeling something stuck in throat

There are some home remedies to this state as well

  • Drinking ginger tea a couple of times in a day
  • Wrapping a hot towel around the neck. Make sure it doesn’t burn your skin
  • Chewing herbs like mint, tulsi, cinnamon
  • Gargle with warm salt water twice a day
  • Inhaling steam helps a lot in sore throats
  • Drinking warm water
  • Inhalers. Inhaling some eucalyptus oil proves to be a great relief

With sore throats avoid cold foods like ice creams, cold drinks, and whatever is frozen. Any of this single treatment is not going to solve the globus thing in your throat. If it is a physical problem like a lump in the throat, it will subside or reduce after certain treatment. Sometimes some methods work with some people and not with the rest. So a proper diagnosis and treatment are necessary. Most of the time this feeling subsides as soon as you start with the remedies, or within a day or two. Sometimes high-pitched breathing or burning nose is also experienced. 

A similar condition, dysphagia, causes difficulty swallowing. People with dysphagia may feel that they are having some lump kind of thing in their throat. People who actually have globus symptoms do not have dysphagia. 

Odynophagia, the medical term used for painful swallowing. it can also cause difficulty swallowing any kind of food or drink. Sometimes saliva too. People with Globus pharyngeus do not complain of pain when they swallow. So this little difference in the symptoms makes the diagnosis. 

Reasons for choked throat creates feeling of something stuck in throat

Any of these problems are not very dangerous unless your doctor says that. Feeling a choked throat is something most of the population experience at least once in a lifetime. It may be related to some food allergies, environmental allergies, because of dust mites, drinking something very cold, or maybe sometimes shouting very hard. Most of the teachers and lecturers face the problem of sore throat. The vocal cord gets dry and that causes this problem. Most of the singers complain about the same kind of problem. The reason is the same.

The overuse of the vocal cord makes it sensitive.  This sensitivity leads to a bad throat. Most singers are advised with salt gargle, iodine gargle, to drink warm water, and so on. If this problem occurs in children, it may be because of similar reasons.children are vulnerable to street food and drinks which at times causes allergies. They play in the scorching sun and drink cold water. They are always out in contact with germs. So it becomes very obvious for them to catch any throat infection. Once you get medical advice from a doctor there is nothing to worry about. Simple home remedies help out the issue.

Also read Why do I Feel Something Stuck in my Throat

Sometimes while having our meal as usual we suddenly get encountered with an attack of cough. It happens because the food lands into our windpipe, choking it, and makes us gasping for air. We get back to life after some time but that feeling of something behind the throat persists. That happens because the food particle hits the windpipe and sometimes it gets inflamed because of that. That inflammation leads to this feeling. in such a situation the person should keep drinking water and try to soothe the throat. The problem subsides after a few minutes or maybe hours. 

Throat infection after a cold bath sometimes

People complain of a throat infection after a cold bath sometimes. That too can happen. Being in a cold environment gives rise to such conditions. So once you are feeling cold make sure you cover your neck with a scarf or a muffler. Our neck muscles are associated with our eyes, nose, and throat. Once in any means, if our eyes or nose becomes infected, there are many more chances of getting our throat infected. Infection can be of any type.

Feeling a choked throat, a lump, painful swallowing, coughing, and the same creepy feeling like something is stuck in the back of the throat. Well, by now we learned there are so many multiple reasons for getting this creepy feeling but in most of the cases, there is nothing to worry about. It happens and it disappears. So unless and until your doctor advises you something serious, don’t panic. Take deep breaths, destress yourself, eat healthy to avoid acidity, talk less, think more. Sometimes the most important thing is to focus on yourself. Focus on exercise and a healthy diet.

Why it’s important to time your workout ?

We know time is precious. So why not make the schedule? I know we cannot make the schedule for everything but when it comes to timing your workout. Then it is definitely in our power.

There are some people who do not follow any time, they either do the workout in the morning or sometime in the evening. They have to fix their time of doing work out if they are doing it in the morning then stick to that and if in the evening then they have to do in the evening itself. Doing exercise is no joke, one needs to be very serious about it and have to give it proper time. The same concept of time goes with the question ‘how many hours one is doing workout’? You cannot do half-hour exercise one day, then one hour second day and next day two hours or more. You need to give equal time to you work out on a daily basis.

Physical activities help us to improve our health and fitness and it also reduces the risk of developing heart-related problems. Doing physical activities have immediate and long-term benefits. Regular physical activities also increase the quality of your life. If you are physically active, you may reduce your risk of a heart attack, and also you can manage your weight better. Your cholesterol level will also be lower and you will have stronger bones, joints, and muscles. Regular exercise helps you to feel better, and have more energy, a better mood, feel more relaxed and even you can sleep soundly.

In my opinion, ‘the best time for a workout is early morning’. In the morning itself you do all your most important things, so it can keep you fresh all day long. You will feel great after starting your workday with great enthusiasm and strength knowing that you have already done your workout. – Some people think that working out takes too much time. However, they are wrong, you can have a short workout session. Short intense workouts can be much better than long worthless ones. Therefore, you need to make sure that you aren’t just doing exercise, you are also doing those exercises correctly and perfectly.

If you have a workout partner or workout buddy or if you working out with a friend then they can as a motivation factor. You are more likely to make it to the gym if you know that you are not going alone. And also, you should avoid hitting the gym during peak times. Because during peak time, you cannot give full time to your exercise and you even deviate from your goal, so you have to avoid going to the gym during rush hour.

Many people simply over workouts. They think they will build their muscles in a single day but they forget even a seed needs proper care and time to give fruits. So, limit the time of your workout as you will want to burn out or injure yourself. Start with small and then you can extend the time to achieve your goals. You may have heard the phrase ‘time is everything’. Taking regular breaks from workout not only allows your body to recover from intense exercise sessions but also repair them. Otherwise, if you do not take any rest days then it can lead to overtraining that eventually will be harmful to you and your body.

While doing exercise, they create microscopic tears in your muscle tissue. But during recovery, cells called fibroblasts to repair those microscopic tears. This process helps the tissue to heal and grow, which results in making the muscles stronger. You need to give time to your body to recover by giving them a rest day. Resting is very necessary after doing exercise especially heavyweight exercises because muscles and tissues need more time to repair and rebuild. In general, muscle takes 24 to 48 hours to repair and rebuild. You need to always remember that exercise depletes your muscles’ glycogen levels. And if these stores aren’t replaced, then you’ll experience muscle fatigue and soreness. Rest is also essential for you to remain safe. Moreover, if you over workout then you will be out of your form which means you are likely to drop weight.

Do you know rest has the opposite effect on your body? It increases energy and prevents fatigue, which prepares your body for consistently successful in your workouts. Physical activities release energy-boosting hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. Constant exercise, however, overproduces these hormones. Its reaction will be that it will be hard getting quality sleep, which only worsens fatigue and exhaustion. Rest can help you get better sleep by letting your hormones return to a normal into a balanced state.

Timing is very important to be it for your education or career; you need to time everything. Likewise timing your exercise and rest is also very crucial. You need to make one schedule when you will be doing your exercise daily and even you need to decide for how many hours (one hour or more) you will be doing the workout. It is good if you schedule your workout as it will be not only good for you but also for your lovely body too.

The Significance of Laser Hair Removal Treatment for Removal of Unwanted Hair

One of the most stressful and time consuming for people is when they have to remove excess or unwanted hair from their bodies. The slight hair on the arms or legs may not be such a problem for men, but it is a problem for women, particularly in the summer months, when they have to adorn skirts and shorts.    In the warmer months, as women like to spend most of the time outdoors, they need to remove unwanted hair on a regular basis.

The common methods to remove hair from the arms, legs, and face includes shaving, waxing, tweezing, and use of hair removal creams, but the problem is these are all temporary methods, and the hair grows again after few weeks. Another aspect of concern is that the quality of the skin is also damaged and affected due to the regular use of razors, tweezers, and waxes.

One of the most effective solution to permanently get rid of unwanted hair is through a laser treatment which is safe, fast, and affordable. The procedure involves the use of laser light that is directed to remove unwanted or excess hair from the face, chin, legs, arms, underarm, and back area. The laser treatment is gaining popularity as it is less painful, and the laser beam is precisely directed towards the target area, leaving the rest of the skin undamaged.

One pulse of a laser beam takes a fraction of a second, and a large number of hair follicles could be treated. The laser technology is so fast and accurate that the small areas of the skin such as lip can be treated in less than a minute while the arms and legs take up to an hour.

But the complete hair removal is done in one session and requires 7 to 8 sessions with four weeks gap from one session to the next session. If you think that you can get hair-free in this summer season, well, this is not going to be possible as the continuous exposure of skin to laser light is not suitable, and doctors advised nearly 3 to 4 weeks gap from one hair removal session to the next.

If you are exhausted of shaving, tweezing, or waxing your skin and want a permanent solution, then there is laser treatment for hair growth that is efficient and affordable. Most of the laser hair removal clinics are accredited and certified to perform laser treatment. On your first appointment, you will be told about the details and steps involved in the laser hair removal process.

You would be asked to limit plucking, shaving, or waxing almost six weeks before the actual treatment begins, this is done because the laser beam targets the root of the hair and during shaving or plucking the hair is temporarily removed from its root. You are also advised to avoid going in the sun for long periods as the sunlight makes the laser procedure less effective and more complicated.

Just from the start of the laser hair removal treatment, your hair will be trimmed and kept just above the surface of the skin. A skin topical is applied 20 to 30 minutes before the procedure on the part of the skin that is to be treated, this is done to numb the skin so that you do not feel any burning sensation.

The laser technician will correct the equipment according to the type, color, thickness, and part of the skin from where the hair is to be removed. One person’s skin type, quality, color, and complexion differs from another person, which is why a laser technician has to be careful when adjusting the laser equipment.

The laser technician and you will be given eye protection to wear during the time when the laser beam is directed to the skin. The outer layers of the skin are protected with a gel or cooling device; this is done to allow the laser beam to penetrate the skin easily. After applying the ointment, the laser technician will point the laser beam at the part of the skin to be treated for few minutes to see for any adverse reaction and make sure the setting is accurate for hair removal.

After the session, you will be given ice packs and anti-inflammatory cream to apply and ease the discomfort. The next session is scheduled after 4 or 5 five weeks. The treatments will continue until hair completely removed from the arms, legs, back, face, and underarm.

The cost of laser hair removal treatment varies and depends on certain factors such as the size of the skin area that is to be treated, the number of treatments required, and whether a doctor is performing the treatment or someone else. The advantages of laser hair removal treatment are

  • It saves money in the long run

The laser hair removal treatment is one time, and you will not have to go through the time-consuming tasks of shaving, waxing, and tweezing. You only have to pay the laser treatment one time. On the contrary, just imagine how much money you will have to spend on shaving creams, razors, tweezers, and hair removal cream, which are all temporary methods of removing hair. A laser hair removal is a low cost compared to the cost you will have to spend on other methods of removing unwanted hair from your skin.

  • It is comfortable

Apart from the cost, the most important aspect of laser hair removal treatment is that it makes a person comfortable, and there are seldom cases of any redness or inflammation. On the other hand, while using razors, there is always the risk of using the razor too hard and causing cuts and bruises. The waxing method is quite painful and leaves many red spots on the skin. The laser beam is only directed on the part of the skin that is to be treated, and the rest of the skin is undamaged. But the softness and smoothness of the skin are damaged by using conventional methods.

  • It is suitable for all types of skin

First, it was thought that the laser treatment was only effective for lighter skin tones, but then technology got advanced, and now all types of skin can easily be treated.

Laser hair removal is a one-time procedure and has proven results for effectiveness and safety. The best thing is that the hair regrowth is stopped, and women do not have to spend long hours in removing the unwanted hair.

Beautiful Places To Visit In Belgium In Vacation

Belgium is about an agreeable combination of old-world appeal and current culture and patterns. From vintage strongholds, houses, galleries, and temples to present-day design, shopping arcades, and entertainments; this European jewel is the home of numerous marvelous spots for a wide range of vacationers. If you are finding the beautiful place for your vacation then book your flight ticket with spirit airlines reservations and in the event that you are arranging an excursion to this mesmeric nation, here’s a finished rundown of spots to visit in Belgium. You may get ruined by decisions while experiencing the rundown, so it is prescribed to pick the spots according to the time close by, excursion schedule, and such. Promising to include a pizzazz of fun and energy to your excursion, these spots in Belgium will most likely make it a noteworthy issue while you’re in the excellent nation of Belgium.

This city lies along the shining Meuse River in the Namur territory only 65 km south of the capital city. The Caves of Han and the Grotto of Dinant are a portion of the regular attractions that bring guests here. These caverns are a portion of Europe’s biggest and generally excellent and are arranged inside a Wildlife Reserve abounding with local vegetation. In any case, the city’s milestone, The Collegiate Church of Notre Dame is as yet striking in the wake of being in part modified post a huge avalanche, as does the reestablished Citadel that sits above the city. Gets to the vast majority of Dinant’s asylums are available with an arrangement, yet the Sanctuary of Beauraing is open every day.

The social center point of Wallonia which sits on the banks of the wide waterway Meuse is a diverse city that is certainly worth visiting on the off chance that you are in Belgium. Other than some mechanical scars, it is certain that Liège has a one of a kind characters, a diverse blend of design from the medieval times to the present, a sensational setting, energizing night-life, various historical centers, and fluctuated common environmental factors for sure.

Eifel Nature park
With its low hanging fog and miles of untamed rough wild, this park has an otherworldly and practically other-common magnificence. The beech woods secured discussion territory lies for the most part in Germany yet in addition fringes Belgium. It likewise happens to be home to some mind-blowing natural life wild felines, wild hogs, wildcats, dark grouse, red deer, falcon owls all call this excellent spot home and since the new thousand years, the lynx has again been located right now profoundly ensured region here without precedent for three centuries. Some portion of the recreation center’s fields goes back to the last Ice Age certainly an absolute necessity to see the place in Belgium.

Horta Museum
Victor Horta was the most powerful engineer and planner of the mid-twentieth century style known as Art Nouveau. A few of his dazzling structures get by in Brussels and now establish a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Start at the Horta Museum, situated in his previous home and studio, which has been saved as he structured them, with the first recolored glass, mosaics, wood work, and improvements. Horta was a pioneer right now that augmented and diffused normal light and joined subjects from nature in its crooked bends.

Being the capital city and perhaps the biggest center point of extraordinary exhibition halls, castles, churches and houses, Brussels is one of the most well-known spots to visit in Belgium. This is likewise the regulatory capital of the European Union and pulls voyagers from various pieces of the world. Celebrated for world-class bistros, bars, eateries, and shopping arcades Brussels offers plenty of alternatives to make your European occasion captivating and energizing. There are different Brussels touring alternatives in Belgium, for a wide range of explorers that won’t baffle.

Binche is a modest community in the Belgian Province of Hainaut around 34 miles south of Brussels. The Carnival de Binche Belgium’s most acclaimed fair draws in a great many guests every year. For three days in February the town of Binche is shipped back to the sixteenth century for one of the most fabulous celebrations of the year. Featured by music marches and firecrackers, the peak of this occasion is the point at which the Gilles show up on the Grand Place and toss oranges to the onlookers. This notorious party has been delegated some portion of the world’s social legacy by UNESCO alongside its prestigious Gilles.

One of the most dazzling Belgium touring spots is Bruges-a pleasant medieval town, talented with notable structures and waterways. The beautiful royal residences, sanctuaries, and chateaus of Bruges mirror the historical backdrop of Vikings while the system of channels, moving through the city has helped Bruges to procure the title of ‘Venice of the North’. Investigate this interesting town in bikes, appreciate drifting in the channel or enjoy with Belgian hot cocoa at any of the curious bistros of the primary market square. It is definitely the best city to remain in Belgium.

Mons is the capital of the Belgian area of Hainaut, in the district of Wallonia. At its inside is the Grand Place, a huge cobblestone square specked with bistros. It’s fixed with structures in a blend of compositional styles, quite the hundreds of years old Town Hall. Close by is the seventeenth-century extravagant turret, with clearing city sees.

Another among the well-known places in Belgium is Ghent a curious and quiet town, supplied with chronicled locales, medieval structures, and houses of worship of Belgium. Acclaimed for lodging the Alter Piece; Ghent is a most loved goal for workmanship sweethearts and history buffs, yet the quietude and appeal of the spot pull in explorers of various sorts. Still, if you get any kind of necessary detail related to the airlines then connect with our Alaska airlines customer service. This dreamlike mix of history and laid-back vibes make this town one of the most one of a kind spots to visit in Belgium.

With the award of the littlest town on earth and a populace of only 500, Durbury found only 2 hours from Brussels is living verification that the best things come in little bundles. It’s likewise figured out how to keep up its enchanting medieval setting and today its passerby lanes are blossomed, limited and cobbled, twisting between the old bluestone homes and structures, drawing in inquisitive guests to its shops, fine cafés, and inns.

Black Diamond Ring – A Brief Guide

Diamond is a unique material in the whole of the universe. It is known for its luster, uncanny hardness, and the fact that finding it involves painstaking efforts of mining from the bottom of the earth makes it even more intriguing.

Diamonds have been used for millennia in jewelry by people of the royal, priestly, or prestigious statuses. Jewelry studded with diamonds has been a method of embellishment by the royals. In modern days, the use of gem rock has been adapted in many non-customary ways; you can find watches, smartphones, and other utility devices embedded, or bejeweled with diamond.

The Rise and Rise of Black Diamond
Diamonds have been available in different levels of density, thus toughness. These differences amount to varying degrees of glitter too. The other way diamonds can differ in their colors. The black diamond, e.g., is fascinating and is known to be the toughest of all forms of the diamond.

The colored diamonds are the trend today, and out of them, the black diamond is, in particular, the most preferred. Jewelry with a black diamond is a style choice for today’s youngsters. There have been several media appearances of celebrities like Ivanka Trump, Kat Von D, Carmen Electra, Jennie Garth, and several others portraying the significance of black diamond in rings. Perhaps this is the reason for the popularity of the black diamond has increased recently. It even features as a popular engagement ring choice along with white and colorless diamonds.

While the allure of black diamond rings is undeniable, those seeking personalized and meaningful jewelry may find a unique touch with customizable name bracelets available at Jewlr.

Engagement Rings With A Black Diamond – Why Not?
People have a flair for unique and exotic things. We like gifting an outstanding or awe-inspiring ring to our would-be spouse as a commitment to eternal love. This is where black diamonds emerge as a popular choice. There are many popular options in classic style engagement rings. These include the solitaire ring, 2 stone rings, and semi mount pink rings. But black diamond truly stands apart due to its eye-catching appearance and unique design.

It is totally understandable if you have some queries at the back of your mind, before you present a black diamond engagement ring to your sweetheart. Here are some most typical queries we get from people who hear about black diamonds.

1- Are They Real?
The phenomenon of black diamond is one of the rarest ones in the field of petrology. Due to their uncommonness, many would-be buyers are initially speculative about its true nature; they think that the black color is artificial and augmented to increase the natural beauty of the gem.

The black diamond stones are 100 percent natural; they are not augmented for their color. The only thing they go through in their finishing is the definition of their shapes and their smoothening.

2- The Black Color Is a Result of Impurities
The other colored diamonds like ruby and so on are results of trapped dirt. The black gemstone, on the other hand, does not result from such impurities. They are formed by inclusions with graphite- another form or allotrope of Carbon.

Thus, the black diamond is made up of two forms of Carbon, i.e., diamond and graphite, making it unique and so marvelous.

3- What Are The Types Of Black Diamonds?

Black diamonds are of two types as follows.

I- Natural Black Diamonds
The naturally occurring black gem rock is scarce, and just like any other diamond variety, it is obtained by mining. The natural stone is called as Carbonado. It has a unique polycrystalline structure because they have many crystals; it distinctive from the white diamond structure. Their exorbitance of the price is owing to their rarity.

One of the most noticeable black diamonds is the spirit of de Grisogono. It is the fifth-largest diamond in the world, weighing a staggering 312 carats.

Ii- Lab-Grown Black Diamonds
The manufacturing of diamonds in the laboratory has allowed more diamond-lovers to wear their favorite gemstones. The black diamond is no exception. It, too, can be made in the lab. The distinctive black color is given with the help of different technical treatments. The high pressure and high-temperature treatment are accompanied by chemical vapor deposition to provide it with the color.

4- Is There A Certification For Black Diamonds As Others?
This question arises because one may think that due to the extreme blackness of the diamond, it would be difficult to detect any inbuilt flaws like discoloration, scratches, and so on.

Diamond of any kind, color, origin, or size has tests to be gauged on their purity, scratches, and so forth. The best thing about the black diamond is that, unlike a diamond any other color, it so dark that there is virtually no detectable inbuilt discoloration.
Just like diamonds, any other color, there are grades and certifications.

To Sign Off
This article was the synoptic view of the black diamond. Hope that most of your doubts around this type of diamond would be cleared. This expands your range of available options and is a worthy addition to other styles like classic style rings or halo style diamond engagement rings.

10 Tips For Natural And Smooth Hair

There is a surprising amount of maintenance that goes into keeping your hair happy and healthy, regardless of your natural texture or color. Your hair is very fragile, and if not cared for properly, it will not grow properly and will be very susceptible to breaking. Here are 10 simple and easy tips that you can incorporate into your hair care routine, that will leave you with the best natural and smooth hair.

1. Use an All-Natural Shampoo and Conditioner
The best thing you can do for your hair is to use an all-natural shampoo and conditioner. This might differ from the products you currently use, but you will notice an immediate difference to your hair after the first wash. All-natural shampoos and conditioners only use ingredients that are one hundred percent natural, so your hair is absorbing the best vitamins, nutrients, and minerals possible.

With this kind of product, you don’t have to worry about washing your hair with chemicals, so it will be much gentler on your hair. Natural shampoo and conditioners provide moisture, strength and can even prevent color from fading. It’s not only good for the environment, but it’s also great for your hair and scalp too.

2. Avoid Parabens, Sulfates And Silicones
If you’re wondering what parabens, sulfates, and silicones are, you might be in a bit of trouble with your hair. To put simply, these are chemical cleaning agents added to shampoos and conditioners, and they are different from all-natural ingredients because they are synthetically made and do not provide any nutrients to your hair.

In fact, parabens, sulfates, and silicones strip your scalp of its essential natural oils and even coat your hair to make it look shiny, tricking it into looking clean. You might find that using a product with any of these ingredients, you need to wash your hair more frequently. You’re better off using a product that does not have any of these ingredients, so make sure to check the ingredients before purchasing.

3. Keep It Cool
There is nothing better than a nice hot shower, sunbathing and changing up your look with your straightener or curling iron. Your body might love the heat, but your hair certainly does not. You are already familiar with the dangers of overusing your blow-dryer, straightener, and curling iron, so think of the other ways heat can impact your hair.

To protect from the sun, wear a hat or use sunscreen on your scalp because the skin there is as sensitive as everywhere else on your body and can burn just as easily. If you like a hot shower, wear your hair up and wash with cooler water, it doesn’t have to be cold. Most importantly, if you use heat styling tools often, get a protecting spray or consider argan oil shampoo.

4. Change Your Style
Changing up your hairstyle is not just for looks, it is for the health of your hair. Your hair has a memory of its own, and you need to wear it more than one way to prevent it from weighing down and breaking. In between washes, you should play around with a mixture of styles, including wearing it down, wearing it up and braiding. Make sure to use soft ties and soft accessories, so as not to tug and pull your hair from the root and avoid elastic rubber bands at all costs. Don’t forget to change your parting every now and again as well. This will allow your roots to stand upright and breathe better.

5. Wash Less, Condition More
For happy, healthy hair, you should wash less and condition more. Washing your hair is great for your scalp, but over-washing can cause you to remove the essential oils provided by your scalp to protect your hair. Your hair has its own way of helping itself stay clean and healthy, so washing less frequently is actually better for its overall health. Haircare professionals recommend washing only 2-3 times per week. The reason you would want to condition more frequently is to add moisture to your hair and protect it from daily damage of heat styling tools and brushing too hard.

6. Careful Combing
Believe it or not, there are rules to combing your hair. The rules are more common sense than anything but are there to protect your hair from breaking or being pulled at the root.

Rule 1: Do not brush wet hair. When your hair is soaking wet, it is very fragile and can break more easily. Instead of brushing, gently use your fingers to detangle your hair, but still, make sure not to tug too hard.

Rule 2: Invest in different brushes, because one brush does not fit all the needs of your hair. The right brush can protect your hair when detangling or styling and stimulate your roots.

Rule 3: Brush from root to tip. Use a boar bristle brush for brushing from root to tip, to not only stimulate your scalp but distribute your scalps natural oils to your ends and protect it from damage.

7. Clarify Your Hair
Clarifying your hair might sound a little intimidating if you haven’t done it before, but its one of the best things you can do for your scalp. There is a natural build-up of oil and dirt on your scalp, as well as leftover residue from the hair products you use. If left on your scalp for too long, it struggles to breathe and makes your hair look and feels dirty.

You can clarify your hair with a clarifying shampoo, typically a charcoal shampoo or apple cider vinegar shampoo. Not all shampoos are clarifying, so make sure to check the labels carefully. Clarifying will lift the unwanted build-up from your scalp, allowing it to open up and breathe. A clarifying shampoo can easily be incorporated into your weekly washing routine, as its recommended use only once a week.

8. Stop Avoiding That Trim
Are you the kind of person who avoids going to the hairdresser for a trim, because you are dying to grow your hair? The truth is, trims really are the best way to grow your hair and the longer you wait to get a trim, the more you’ll have to cut off. Haircare professionals recommend getting a trim every 6 weeks, but you can wait as long as 8 weeks if needed. Trims will keep your hair healthy as it grows, removing any split ends that could cause further breakage and damage to the rest of your length.

9. Sleep On Silk
Your pillowcase might be damaging your hair, especially if it is made of cotton, nylon or linen. If you aren’t already sleeping on a silk pillowcase, you should make this switch as soon as possible. Silk and shine shampoo are very beneficial to your hair because of its smooth and soft surface.

This will cause less friction than the other typical materials used for pillowcases, which are often the cause of split ends and damage to your hair. Sleeping on a silk pillowcase keeps your hair smooth and manageable first thing in the morning, and help you retain more moisture. Don’t forget to sleep with your hair tied up, to protect it further.

10. Eat A Balanced Diet
Have you ever heard the saying “You are what you eat”? This is especially true for your hair. The vitamins and nutrients from in your food will be absorbed throughout the body, including your scalp and hair. If you aren’t getting enough, your hair will be weak, and an extreme deficiency can lead to hair loss.

Foods like eggs, berries, fish, nuts, seeds, avocados, spinach, sweet potatoes all provide the proper nutrients your hair needs to be naturally beautiful, healthy and strong. Junk foods, fast foods, and greasy foods should be avoided because there is no very limited nutritional value for your hair (or your body). The better you eat, the better your hair will look and feel. Of course, if you feel you aren’t getting enough vitamins and minerals from your diet, you can also take supplements.

Tips to Manage your Health and Wellness in a Coworking Space

Coworking space provides you with the best arrangements for working and making yourselves comfortable during work. But, like any other working space, you will need to take care of your health and wellness in a coworking space too.

This is important that the coworking space owners arrange their buildings to be perfect and well suited for their occupants by making enough modifications and building requirements.

Also, the workers can themselves make little changes for themselves to make sure of their health and perfect work-life.

Why is it important to be healthy in a coworking space?

  • A lot of occupational diseases are seen among professionals today which could have been avoided with good care and effort in the first place.
  • Over strain can cause damage to the whole body, which will, in turn, increase your absence and reduce the healthy working hours.
  • Your eyes can get hurt and may require you to wear glasses in the long term. Dryness of eyes is also a part of the same.
  • Incorrect sitting postures might give you backache and damage to the spine.
    Excess stress can lead to digestive distress, nausea and much more.
  • Making your coworking space and surroundings more healthy and wellness concerned will attract more customers for your space.

Maintaining physical and mental wellness is important to each worker and there are many ways by which you can make sure of this in your coworking space.

Turn Green
Fill your coworking space with greenery wherever possible. This is important because workers who are stressed at different points of time can find it relaxing with the color green.

Installing indoor plants inside the coworking space can help a lot to this. Indoor plants can have different uses. There are plants like a few types of citrus that can give a positive and attracting scent inside the coworking space itself.

Some co working spaces in Mumbai even have a small gardening portico or a space within the building where workers can come and have moments of silence and relaxation to have their coffee. Such spaces can help workers relax.

This will help them breathe fresh air, cleanse their mind and avoid fatigue feeling, which will eventually help them work better.

Well lit spaces

Spaces have to be well lit and they must have plenty of natural sunshine rather than artificial lights and shades.

This will improve the mood of the workers and their working efficiency. Improve spacing in your space by avoiding the feel of a concrete jungle.

Using french windows and glass partitions between rooms can make sure of spreading sunlight into all the rooms.

Views to the sky and outside nature can avoid a lot of problems like depression, negative thoughts etc.

Arrange the space in the distance

Coworking space owners must make sure to arrange the equipment in the distance so that it will urge the workers to walk small distances then and now.

It is highly important to have small walks and to break the long saga of sitting right in your chair in front of a laptop. Sitting in the same posture for a very long time can stress your muscles. It can also cause back pain and neck pain.

Not giving enough care to these can cause permanent spinal cord problems. Disk complaints are one among the major issues seen among IT professionals.

Keeping the printers in the next room and having a separate coffee room will urge them to walk small distances.

Also, the workers must themselves take the initiative to take a break at times to have a small walk, which helps them get their muscles some rest. Also, taking your eyes off your laptop screen can be useful for your eyes too.

Hosting wellness management workshops

Mental health and wellness have been a top concern for many people these days and they are investing in great amounts to have a stress free and relaxed life.

Coworking space management can come up with health and wellness management workshops at the weekends. These can be of great help. Workers make sure to attend them as they can help you in your day to day work life.

Arranging yoga and meditation arrangements

Among the different ways to use your coworking space in the most creative way, having yoga and meditation rooms and classes are one among the best ways to help your coworking space be more worker-friendly and engaging.

If you cannot have extra rooms for these, empty meeting rooms can be scheduled for the same.

Workers, when they get stressed and agitated, can make use of these rooms for improving the meditation culture. Also, the workers can regularly have yoga sessions in the morning or evening, which is more useful.


Regulating the noise levels


Regulating the noise in the coworking space will help the workers work inefficiency and full productivity avoiding the disturbances.

White noise is a popular concept being used at the coworking spaces to avoid the unnecessary interruption of chatter and unwanted disturbing noises.

A calm and relaxing music background that increases the concentration in white noise mode can help workers in this regard.

Encouraging healthy habits

Encouraging healthy habits like sleeping well, drinking enough water, having food at the right time must be encouraged very well in coworking spaces to manage your health.

Use only healthy snacks and offer good water at the cafeteria. Extra meeting room hours, an extra snack all these can be the perks.

Take good care of your eyes

It is possible that you might just lose yourself staring at the computer screen chasing a bug and trying to fix it. You might lose track of time when you just sit there trying to include all the aspects you want in content.

The time you spent in front of a screen is very high that it can have very bad effects on the worker.

Encourage the workers to use UV protected glasses if they need glasses. Having frequent blinking of eyes and taking a break is also important.

You can check if your sitting distance is right by checking with a high five with your screen. You should sit back from this distance.

Also, keep the screen 4-5 inches below your eye level ensuring your eyeballs to be moisturized at all times.

Try to adjust the brightness of your screen according to the room. Increase the brightness in a well-lit room, and reduce the same in a dark room.